Derma nucleus p art2

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Derma nucleus p art2

Author: Dr/ Abdelrahman Reda

Derma nucleus p art2

The feature of derma nucleus Understanding dermatology denpends on step by step guiding considering logic order of information starting by: etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, investigations and treatment Despite the broad scope in dermatology, this book focus on the most important points and topics. So, it is easy to start know about each topic then reading from other text books Derma nucleus p art2 topics: Geno Dermatosis _ Non Infectious Granuloma _ Photodermatosis_ Atrophies Of Connective tissue _ perforating Dermatosis _ Drug reactions _ Figurate erythema_ Erythroderma_ Histiocytosis_ Sebaceous and sweat gland diseases _ Cutaneous Parasitic infections _ Cutaneous bacterial infections

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